
Saraswati lives in Ireland, in Thomastown co. Kilkenny, she was born and educated in Italy and lived there for many years.

From a very young age she became a devotee of the Spiritual Master Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian master, descendant of a great dynasty of gurus, from whom she learned the ancient Krya Yoga meditation technique.

Saraswati is a teacher at Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf school and in Italy she has taught for many years using this pedagogy, which takes into consideration the spiritual part of the child.

In past years Atmo Saraswati has undergone many techniques of work on herself and has made several studies related to Masters such as Osho, Eckhart Tolle and PataƱjali, which have broadened her knowledge and skills of herself.

She has also learned various alternative healing trainings with Aura Soma, Bach flowers and she is familiar with alternative natural medicine.

At the age of thirty she began the journey of Family Constellations, by Bert Hellinger, a ritual of African origin, of liberation from trauma, in which she obtained two different formations, from the Spiritual Master Siddho Marchesi and from the Spiritual Master Marco Massignan



Atish's Holistic Studies

Year 2010
FLY by HRD by Roberto Re
HRD emotional fitness by Roberto Re
Roberto Re's HRD Academy divided into Leadership, Energy and Power

Year 2011
Two more Emotional fitness and another year of Fly
Academy as an assistant only Leadership and Eagle

Year 2012
Training course on family constellations by Marco Massignan course duration 1 year and 1/2
Seventh intensive course on family constellations with Siddho Marchesi and Anurag at the Osho Tao center in Milan.
I have become saniasi: my name is Swami Anand Atish

Year 2014
Taken Krya at Paramahansa Yogananda's SRF

Year 2015
Study of PataƱjali's aphorisms at the theosophical center L.U.T. of Turin Italy

From 2022
I am currently attending the second year of the online training course to become a Steiner teacher at the Waldorf school in Sagrado (GO) Italy 

From 2023
I am currently living in Ireland in Thomastown co. Kilkenny