Family constellations

The systemic family constellations are an introspective, spiritual and profound work that helps us to understand the dynamics of the unconscious connection that everyone has with their family of origin.

Understanding this connection is essential because we are connected to members of our family of origin in a deep and hidden way. 

The term we give for this unconscious bond is enmeshment, often a family member unconsciously remembers an ancestor and can carry his feelings and even his destiny.

These unconscious bonds are determined by the fact that no member of the system can be excluded or forgotten.

For ethical, religious or moral reasons sometimes a family member is excluded and this goes against the systemic cosmic law which says every member has a place and right to belong.

We work with this system to take the right place in one's life in a free and balanced way.  

Very often the unpleasant facts that happened in the past are removed, omitted or simply forgotten, this creates inner knots and blocks in the present of each of us.

Seeing what is there and going through the emotions of what the family system has not been able to deal with pacifies the client and allows the inner harmonious flow of life.